Friday, October 9, 2009

Wrap Up

We had a tour debriefing lunch today at Cafe Luna. First, I must note that we did not see any gelato at Cafe Luna so we're wondering if it's gone for the season. We'll have to go back sometime and ask.

Anyway, we agreed that we liked the flavor varieties at Toscanini's and Christina's and somewhat preferred Christina's because the prices are more reasonable and the ice cream base is not as rich, meaning we can eat more without getting stomachaches. For most consistent we chose J.P. Licks. We had a great experiences both times we were there and although their ice cream isn't as "high-end" as Toscanini's or Christina's, the seasonal flavors are quite interesting and will keep us coming back. We also liked Berryline's original tart yogurt flavor and hope to test more yogurt places in the future. Until next year!

Stop 14: J.P. Licks - Oct. 2, 2009

Because J.P. Licks had just released their October seasonal flavors, we decided to make a return trip in lieu of Cafe Luna. Andrea and I both sampled Sam Adams Cream Stout and agreed that initially there was a strong beer flavor, but that the aftertaste was milder and sweeter. For my main course I got half pumpkin ice cream and half peanut butter cookie dough chip. Allison got half pumpkin and half chocolate sorbet and Andrea had just peanut butter cookie dough chip. All the flavors were great. Pumpkin tasted just like pumpkin pie and the peanut butter chip had a good amount of chips and cookie dough and the right amount of peanut flavor - not too strong or too weak. Allison's chocolate sorbet had a deep, dark chocolate color and a rich, chocolate flavor. A successful J.P. Licks trip - 9/10 overall.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stop 13: Damons - Sept. 25, 2009

The flavors of the day were dolce de leche, cappuccino, chocolate and strawberry. I got a little dolce de leche and a little cappuccino topped with oreo, m&ms, a few cherries, strawberries and hot fudge. You just can't beat the hot fudge or the price - all that for just $2.50, which is cheaper than any other place we've been on our tour.

Andrea was disappointed because they had neither coconut or mini chocolate chips set out as toppings. Hopefully they'll bring them back and aren't scaling back topping due to the economy. The strawberry juice at the bottom of my dish tasted a little weird - it might have been starting to ferment, but otherwise there were no complaints.